Versions Compared


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There are a few differences between the Issue sidebar on Cloud on Server.


This article will only give information about the new Jira issue view, as the old view is being deprecated.

By default, Tempo information is not visible in the sidebar. Users need to “Open Tempo” to view the Time Tracking panel, Collaborators and Trackers. Atlassian has a suggestion ticket for this in their system, to add an option to change the default setting,

In the sidebar, the Time Tracking panel is added by Tempo, but the information that is shown in the panel (Estimated, Remaining, Logged) is retrieved from the Jira database. The “Log Time” button opens the Tempo Log Time dialog, so users can log work in Tempo.
When logging time in the issue view, a refresh is required to update the Time Tracking information in the sidebar.

The Collaborators section shows which users have planned time or logged work against the issue. The visibility of information in this panel depends on the permissions the user has (permissions to view worklogs/ plans of other users on project or team level)

The Trackers section shows the time trackers the viewer has started on the issue. There can be several Trackers at the same time. They are linked to the issue, so when logging work, the issue field is pre-populated with the Issue key and summary.
Trackers that are started in the issue sidebar are visible in the Tempo Tracker gadget on Dashboards, showing the issue key they are connected to.

The Tempo Tracker gadget showing the trackers:


On Server, Tempo information is shown by default in the sidebar, in between Jira information like Assignee, Reporter and more.

The Time Tracking panel in the sidebar and all information displayed in it is provided by JIRA. Tempo overrides the “+” icon in this panel. When clicking this icon, the Tempo Log Time dialog will open, making it possible to log work and include work attribute information for the worklog. (When Tempo is not installed, this icon opens the Jira log work dialog.)
When logging time in the issue view, a refresh is required to update the Time Tracking information in the sidebar.

The Collaborators section shows which users have planned time or logged work against the issue. The visibility of information in this panel depends on the permissions the user has (permissions to view worklogs/ plans of other users on project or team level). By using the “+” icon in this panel, users can plan time on the issue.

On Server, there is no Tracker section as in the Cloud version of Tempo. An issue specific Tracker can be started from the “More” dropdown, Start Tracker

Only one Tracker can be used at a time and it is displayed on the lower right corner of the browser window. Trackers that are started in the issue view are linked to the issue and when converting the tracked time to a worklog, the issue is pre-selected in the Log Time dialog.
There is no Gadget that displays the Tracker.