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Tempo for Data Center Header
Tempo for Data Center Header

Tempo Budgets is certainly the financial flagship in the Tempo suite and maybe even in the Atlassian Ecosystem. Tempo Budgets is a complex and sophisticated tool and it is important that you adapt it in the right manner and that you understand how it works under the hood. To minimize the adaption effort and improve the performance of Tempo Budgets you should consider and follow some best practices guidelines that I have drafted below based on experience and challenges from our customers.


Limiting the scope of a Folio (amount of issues within a Folio) is probably the most important key for the use of Tempo Budgets. It both improves the performance and gives you a more reliable status of your Folio and a more accurate forecast. Internal performance tests conducted in summer 2020 showed that performance can be over 25 times faster when you limit the scope of the folios and their associated numbers of worklogs, as shown below:

Folio Scope

Folio Endpoint Load Time

10 Folios, each with 2 Projects (200 worklogs per folio)

1.76 sec

5 folios, each with 10 projects (10,000 worklogs per folio)

51.2 sec

5 folios, each with 10 projects (30,000 worklogs per folio)

Request cancelled after 1 minute *

* We are currently working on performance improvements to address this issue.

Tests were conducted using an instance with the following specifications:


Limiting the scope is mainly achieved by choosing the correct parameters that define your project. The Tempo Budgets UI wizard is a good start but for larger Folios you should create a JQL filter BEFORE you create the Folio. This might be achieved by various JQL functions and operators available. A more complete guide with recommendations can be found here.

A Folio can be placed in multiple Portfolios


It is important that you understand how Tempo Budgets is calculating the progress of your Folio. The calculated progress of your Folio is the basis for the forecasting. Proper, understandable Key Performance Indicator numbers on the overview screen increase adoption and makes Tempo a the reliable tool you can trust. Dig into the different progress calculation scenarios, understand them and find the one that suits your Jira/Tempo setup.