Navigate to Settings
In the Tempo Projects section, click Project Attributes.
Click the + New Project Attribute.
The New Project Attribute window opens.
Enter the Name of the attribute. Attributes are displayed in the Project List in alphabetical order.
Select a Type:
Amount - Project managers can enter a maximum of 16-digitsup to 16digits, formatted to 2 decimal points.
Date - Project managers can select a date, formatted per your date preference.
Number - Project managers can enter a maximum of is a 16-digitup to 16 digits.
Select List (single choice) - Project managers can select a value from a list.
Text (single line) - Project managers can enter text in a text field.
User (single user) - Project managers can select a user from a list of users.
If you selected a Select List (single choice), add the list values in Options. These values appear in the drop-down list. You can enter up to 50 characters per value.
You can drag the values into different positions in the list, change the values, or remove them.Click Save.