Info |
Viewing worklogs for your team members in Tempo Reports requires the View Worklogs and Browse Projects permissions. To see worklogs for other users in a project, you need to have the View All Worklogs permission. To report on planned time, you need to have Tempo Planner installedhave Tempo Planner installed. Viewing plans requires the View Plans permission. |
You can create a report for getting data on whatever you need. When you create a report, a report wizard lets you select filters and data grouping options to help you pin down what you need to see. Filtering information first can make it much faster to create a report because you don't have to load all the data first and then filter it. And you You can always change your filter settings and grouping options after the report is generated.
Creating Reports
Select Reports
in the Tempo sidebar to open the Reports Overview.
Click the tile for the type of report you want to create: Logged Time, Planned Time, or Planned vs Actual.
In the Report wizard that appears, click the Filter by box to display a list of filter options. Filtering information first can make it much faster to create a report because you don't have to load all the data first and then filter it. And you can always change your filter settings after the report is generated. For more information, see Filtering the Data in Reports.