To create a customer:
Select Accounts
in the Tempo sidebar.
Select Customers at the top-right.
In the Customers view, click the + Create Customer button.
In the dialog, enter a name and a unique key for the new customer. You can edit the customer name and key later.
Click Create to create the new customer.
Link the customer to its related Tempo accounts either when the Tempo account is created or by opening an existing Tempo account, then editing the Customer field in the Overview.
See Creating Tempo Accounts for more information:
Click Delete to delete Customers that are not linked to accounts. You must remove customers from accounts before you can delete them.
Tempo accounts associated with the customer are organized by category (if applicable). You can click the account name to go to the Accounts Overview. Similarly, in the Accounts Overview you can click the customer name to return to the Customer information view.
Only open accounts are shown in the Customer information.
If the customer is not linked to a Tempo account yet, you can click the link to create a new account for the customer.