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Some features are not yet available to all customers. To participate in Tempo's Early Access Program and gain access to this feature, visit our TempoLab page.

You can organize the issues, tasks, or epics included in your project scope into groups. This lets you see your project in a higher-level structure that reflects your needs and preferences. This is especially useful when you wish to see total costs for a group of related issues, such as per department, per job role, or per milestone.

When you create a group, you are simply creating a 'container' Groups are an organizational tool into which you can move items. You can also drag groups and items dynamically to reorder them and move items from one group to another. When you manually change the order of tasks and groups, that order is preserved moving forward.


When you export your project data to a CSV file, the group information is included.To create a group and move issues into groups:

  • When items are added to the issue list via a scope sync, they are added to the bottom of the list in the order provided by the filter.

  • Jira issues that are completed appear in Done status and with a strikethrough across the number. You can still select the number to open the issue in Jira - the strikethrough only appears in Cost Tracker.

Before You Begin

  • Navigate to your project’s Scope tab to organize items.

Create a Group

  • Click Groupings in the top-right, then select Create Group and enter a name for the group. You can edit the group name inline. 

    ct-scope-create-group.pngImage Added
  • You can also select items you want to group together, open the Groupings menu or right-click, and then select Create Group from Tasks.

    ct-scope-create-group-context.pngImage Added

Add Items to a Group

You have multiple options to add items to


a group





tasks into a Group

  • Select individual tasks using the checkboxes, and then drag them to the group’s folder icon.

If your table is sorted, then you can’t drag and drop any


tasks. Make sure to remove the sort mode from the table columns before dragging


tasks across the table.



Move multiple tasks into a group

  1. Select multiple tasks using the checkboxes.

  2. Open the Groupings menu and select Move Tasks to Group


or select Create Group from Tasks to create the group and move the selected items into it.

You can also select those options from the Groupings menu in the top-right.


  1. .
    - OR -
    Right-click and select Move Tasks to Group.

  2. In the Move Tasks to Group form, choose the group


  1. you want to move the items


  1. into.

    165ba93a511ec8.jpgImage Modified

The selected


tasks are moved into that group.


  • When items are added to the issue list via a scope sync, they are added to the bottom of the list in the order provided by the filter.

  • Jira issues that are completed appear in Done status and with a strikethrough across the number. You can still select the number to open the issue in Jira - the strikethrough only appears in Cost Tracker.

To delete groups:

Remove tasks from a group

  1. Select tasks using the checkboxes.

  2. Open the Groupings menu and select Remove Tasks from Group.
    - OR -
    Right-click and select Remove Tasks from Group.

  3. Confirm that you want to remove the tasks.

The tasks are no longer included in the group and are returned to the Tasks list.

Delete Groups

  1. In the Tasks list, check the boxes of the groups you want to delete.

  2. Right-click and select Delete Groups, or click Groupings from the menu in the top-right
    - OR -
    Click the Groupings menu and select Delete Groups.

    Groups_delete.jpgImage Removed
  3. Click Yes in the confirmation message to delete the selected groups.


Only the selected group folders are deleted. The tasks that are in the deleted groups are simply returned to the list.

Grouping by Epics

When you have a long list of tasks from different epics, it can be useful to group them into folders that are separated by their Epic so that you can get a summary of the cost by epic. 


The new folders are named after the Epic. For example, tasks with the UI improvements epic link will be are grouped into a new folder named “UI UI improvements. Tasks with no epic link are not aren't moved. 


  • The ordering of tasks is preserved within the epic folder.

  • Sub-tasks aren't included when grouping by epic.

  • New groups created using Group by Epics are located at the top of the scope list in alphabetical order.

  • Group by Epics is available only for Jira Classic Projects.


For example, if you’ve already created a folder called Coffee campaign onboarding with tasks that have the Espress-oh Onboarding epic link, then grouping by epic will move those tasks into a new folder named after the epic, Espress-oh onboarding.


Adding Tasks from a Sync Scope

When you Sync Scope to update a project's scope, any new items that are found are added to the bottom of the issue list - they aren't added to groups.
