The Cost TrackerFinancial Manager home page is where you create a new project, open an existing project, and view a list of all projects that you own or that have been shared with you. In the project list, you can get a quick overview of each project's progress and status. When you create a new project, it is immediately added to the project list in alphabetical order.
Each Cost Tracker Financial Manager user has their own view of the project list. At a glance, you can see who the Project Owner is for each project and when it was last synced with Jira or Structure. Additionally, you can view the total values for all your projects or a group of projects using a filter or search. The bottom row of your project list displays the total number of projects, total Actual and Budget values, and the total Remaining values.
Before You Begin
To work with Tempo Cost TrackerFinancial Manager, you must have Tempo Timesheets installed and have the Tempo Cost Tracker Access global permission. Only a Jira Administrator can grant access to Tempo Cost Tracker Financial Manager.
Opening a
Financial Manager Project
To open a project from the Project List page, click its name in the list.
If your organization has applied data retention settings in Tempo Timesheets, then Cost Tracker might Financial Managermight reflect a change in the financial overview and related costs. In compliance with the same data retention settings, project costs are recalculated in Cost Tracker Financial Manager when associated Timesheet worklogs are expired and removed from the project.
Selecting multiple values for the same type of filter (Owner, Status, Tags, or project attributes) will return projects that have any of the selected filter values. This is similar to the OR function, where the results must contain one or the other filter.
For example, under Tags, if you filter for projects with Marketing and Finance Tags, Cost Tracker Financial Manager will display projects that contain only the Marketing tag, only the Finance tag, and projects that contain both the Marketing and Finance tags.
Selecting different types of filters will return projects that match all of these values. This is similar to the AND function, where the results must contain both filters.
For example, if you are filtering for projects with the Completed Status and the Training Tag, Cost Tracker Financial Manager will display projects that are both Completed and contain the Training tag (not one or the other).
Selecting tags from different categories in combination with tags within the same category will apply the previous two logics.
For example, if you filter for projects that have SR as the Owner and contain the Marketing and Finance Tags, Cost Tracker Financial Manager will display projects owned by SR that have:
- Marketing tag
- Finance tag
- Both Marketing and Finance tags