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Once you've created a Gantt chart, you can view and utilize its attributes fields within the corresponding structure by adding them as columns.Image Removed


To see all the available Structure. Gantt attributes fields and their meanings, seeĀ List of Gantt Attributes fields Available in Structure.

Adding a Gantt


Field Column to a Structure

To add a Gantt attribute field to your structure, click the + icon to the right of the column headers to /wiki/spaces/structure/pages/3667891966. Scroll down to the Gantt section, or begin typing the attribute name in the search field, and select the desired attribute.Image RemovedSelect Gantt fields from the list, and choose the field you want to add.


Copying Gantt Values to Jira

Gantt attribute field values are only available in Structure. Gantt and Structure; however, it is possible to write Gantt values to Jira fields, using Copy to Jira. This way, these values can be viewed and utilized by anyone, whether they have access to Structure or not.

To copy Gantt values to Jira:

  1. Select the Copy to Jira button in the Gantt toolbar.

  2. Choose your From (Gantt


  1. field) and To (Jira field) values. Gantt Start Date and Finish Date are selected by default, but you can changes these and/or add additional fields as necessary.

  2. Select Start Copying.

Copy Gantt values to JiraImage Removed
