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How long does a migration from Jira Server to Jira Cloud take?


If you’re thinking of moving to Cloud, Atlassian offers a free Cloud migration demo and a free Cloud migration trial. If you’ve already committed to Cloud, Atlassian urges teams who may require their support to contact them no later than 2 months before your intended migration date.


You can find a step-by-step guide in our documentation, and on the Atlassian Community

If JMCA doesn’t work for us, are there other alternative ways to migrate? 

While we recommend going the JMCA route, it is also possible to migrate manually to Cloud. You can find the full guide here

Are there any manual efforts required, even when using JCMA? 

Yes, because of two main reasons: 

  • Some data is unsupported by Atlassian and can’t be migrated by JCMA. You can find the full list of unsupported data here

  • You need to migrate everything when using JCMA, not project by project. If you migrate parts without using JCMA, it will be impossible to map the Structure data to Jira data, and this will need to be manually recreated on your cloud instance. 

What common problems about migration do you hear about?

Each migration is different, but we hear two common problems:

  • Jira's user permission configurations are not properly migrated or recreated on their cloud instance, which leads to users not having access to structures or seeing empty structures.

  • JQL expressions may not function properly after a migration via JCMA, requiring some additional manual work to recreate some generators and formulas on Cloud. 

To help avoid these problems – or catch them earlier than later – we highly recommend using JCMA and performing post-checks on permission schemes and groups.

Do you offer a demo instance for customers to test before moving to Cloud?

We do not offer a demo instance for Structure Cloud, but you can try Structure for Jira Cloud free for 30 days and extend the trial by writing to

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For Jira Software, Jira Service Management, and Confluence users with Premium and Enterprise plans, Atlassian offers a product sandbox where you can add apps, including Structure. You can read more about the product sandboxes here.

When are you going to add


Advanced Formulas/Transformations to Cloud?

We are continuously striving for feature parity between Server and Cloud. We’ve released the most business-critical features like Formulas and , Quick Filters in 2022, and Copy to Jira (Effectors), based on customer feedback. Other features like Advanced Formulas, Effectors, and additional Transformations – along with others – remain on our backlog. We encourage customers to share their feedback and describe their use cases by writing to

You can find our Structure Cloud roadmap here, which includes Server features like Time in Status column, Confluence Macro, and more.

Does Structure store any data? 

Structure doesn’t store any Personal Identifiable Information, but it does store data related to the configuration of the actual structures, such as:

  • Structure names, descriptions, and permissions

  • Hierarchies (referring to individual issues by their numeric IDs, without any field data; when Group automation is used, numeric IDs of grouped items, such as priority IDs, may also be stored)

  • Labels (when Group by Labels automation is used)

  • Group names for "Group Picker (single group)" custom fields (when those fields are used in a Group by Field generator)

  • Folders

  • Column configurations

  • Generator configurations (link IDs, issue type IDs, field IDs, JQL and Text queries)

You can also refer to our full list of data stored by Structure Cloud servers. 

How secure is Structure Cloud? 

Structure was one of the first apps to be part of Atlassian’s Cloud Fortified program. Cloud Fortified apps adhere to Atlassian’s highest, advanced standards for security, reliability, and support. 


In addition to being accredited as Cloud Fortified, Structure is also a participant in Atlassian’s Bug Bounty Program to support our efforts in improving the security of our apps.  

Structure also adheres to special SLAs should security-related issues arise. You can find those SLAs here

Can I take Structure.Gantt charts to the Cloud?

Yes, you can! You can find the JMCA migration guide here (pending Structure.Gantt release), or the steps on how to migrate Gantt charts manually here

Is Structure GDPR-compliant? What is your GDPR policy? 

Yes, Structure for Jira Cloud is GDPR compliant. Structure does not collect, store, or process Personal process Personal Identifiable Information.

You can find the Tempo Group’s GDPR policy here