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The Group by Field generator allows you to group issues by most standard Jira fields.



Placement matters. Generators only affect issues beneath them, so if you want to group the entire structure, place the generator at the very top. If you place it anywhere else, it will only group the items beneath it.

Adding a Group by Field generator


This will display the Group generator options. Select Field.Select the type of Group generatorImage Removed


Configuring the Generator

Each Group by Field generator can be customized to create exactly the hierarchy you need.


Runs As

Include Page


Select the field issues should be grouped by.


By default, Group generators ignore data added to your structure by other Group generators, because in most cases the added data doesn't group well.

Let's look at the scenario above, where we grouped our structure by both Sprint and StatusImagine you add both Group by Sprint and Group by Issue Links to a structure (see Grouping Order below). Here's a breakdown of how that workswould work:

  1. Structure starts with your top level issues (or adds them with an Insert generator).

  2. Next, it applies the first Group generator in our list, the Group by Sprint. This creates a new level in your hierarchy.

  3. Then Structure applies the Group by


  1. Issue Links generator. At this point, the true "current" level is a list of sprints, which are not issues and don't have


  1. links to group them by. So Structure ignores these items, and creates the new group of


  1. issue links based on the original issues.

Group on level

Allows you to specify which level within the hierarchy the grouping should be applied to:

  • Levels are based on the placement of the generator, where "Level 1" is the level the generator is located on, "Level 2" is the level beneath that, and so on.

Place the generator on

Select where the generator should be placed within the structure hierarchy. This location will be considered "Level 1" when determining which level the grouping is applied to (see "Group on level" above).

You have three options:

  • Current level - The generator will be placed on the currently


    selected level. 

  • Level below - The generator will be placed on the level below the currently


    selected item.

  • Top level - The generator will be placed at the top of the structure.


If a level is grayed out, it means it is not possible to place the generator on that level.

See Generator Scope to learn more.


When items in the structure do not have values for the group, they will be are placed in a special folder flex item at the buttom bottom of the grouping level, such as "No epics" (when grouping by epics) or "Unassigned" (when grouping by assignee). 


This can be very useful when trying to identify items that don't have a value for a particular field. For example, we can quickly see that Story 6 is not linked to an epic. To link it to an epic, we can simply drag it to the appropriate folder.

Grouping Order

Generators are applied to the current level, in the order they appear in the structure.

In the example below, we used an Insert generator to add issues, and then added Group by Sprint and Group by Status generators. Two new levels were created, grouping our issues first by Sprints and then by Status:

Grouping Order - Sprints FirstImage Removed

To rearrange the hierarchy so that Status is at the top level, followed by Sprints, simply reorder the generators, so that Group by Status is above Group by Sprint.

Grouping Order - Status FirstImage Removedflex item.