
Project visibility can be granted to all users with the Tempo Cost Tracker Financial Manager Access permission or to specific individuals.


The project is visible in the Project List to all users with the Tempo Cost Tracker Financial Manager Access permission. Individuals can be granted the Editor role, which allows them to modify the project. All other users can only view the project. They can’t report on the project or see team member-specific information, such as cost rates or team member names.


  1. Open a Financial Manager project.

  2. Click Configuration at the top right.

  3. Select Sharing on the left. 

  4. Begin typing in the search box to find the Jira users with whom you would like to share your project. You can add multiple users at a time.

  5. Select the role you want to apply to them, and then click Add.


    You are warned if the user does not have the Tempo Cost Tracker Financial Manager Access permission.

You can change a person’s role by expanding the menu by their name and selecting a new role.
