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Creating programs for teams requires the Tempo Team Administrator permission.

A program is a group of teams, or "team of teams", often for the purpose of managing several teams working together on a common project. Teams that are associated with different Jira projects can be added to the same program. Each program has a manager who has a high-level overview of the capacity and progress of the program's teams. 

To create a program:

  1. Select Teams (blue star)  in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. In the Teams view, click Programs at the upper-right.

  3. Click the Create Program link at the top-right and fill in the fields in the form:

    • Name - Enter a name for the program.

    • Manager - Assign a program manager. This manager will have the permissions to manage and plan work for the teams in the program.

    • Teams - Select the teams you want to include in the program. You can also specify the Program for a team when you create it, or after you've created it. A team can be a member of only one program at a time.

  4. Click Create to create the program.

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To filter programs:

Once you have created several programs, you can easily filter them on the Teams view:

  1. Select Teams (blue star)  in the Tempo sidebar to open the Teams view.

  2. Click the Programs button at the top and select which programs you want to filter:

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  3. The teams that are contained in the program are displayed:

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  • Open a team's Overview page by clicking its name.

  • Delete a team by clicking the Delete button to its right.

Adding and removing teams from programs

You can add and remove teams from an existing program.

  1. On the Programs page, click Edit in the Action column for the row containing the program for which you want to add or remove teams.

    In the Edit Program form:

    • To add teams, click and select a team from the Teams drop-down list. A team can be a member of only one program at a time.

    • To remove a team from the program, click the x beside the team name.

    • To remove all teams from the program, click the x to the right in the cell. 

    • Click Save when done.

  2. To delete a program, click Delete in the Action column for the relevant program, then click Delete again to confirm.

    Note that deleting a program does not delete the teams within the program.


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HCTIMESHEETS:Grouping Teams Together into Programs
HCTIMESHEETS:Grouping Teams Together into Programs