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Capacity Insights ' automated work tracking can be enabled on a per-team basis. Users who are not part of a team are not tracked.


rolled out per team or for the entire organization. If you want to roll it out to the entire organization, do not create teams.

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Enabling Automated Effort Tracking Mode
Enabling Automated Effort Tracking Mode

Grant Elevated Permissions

Identify or create a Jira user group that includes users who need to create and manage teams, and then grant them the global Tempo Team Administrator permission. People with this permission can modify the Automated Effort Tracking setting for their teams.

  1. Navigate to Jira Settings menu and select System.

  2. Open Global permissions and grant the Tempo Team Administrator permission to the identified Jira group.

Create Team Roles

A team role is similar to a job title and describes what an individual does within a team. This is useful for segmenting your data and attributing effort to the correct departments. Tempo provides a standard selection of roles that you can modify to fit your needs. By default, all team members are assigned to the Member role.

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HCTIMESHEETS:Adding Team Roles
HCTIMESHEETS:Adding Team Roles

Create Teams

  1. Open the Tempo app from the Jira Apps menu.

  2. Select Teams in the Tempo sidebar.

    sage-teams.pngImage Removedselect-teams.pngImage Added
  3. Click the Create Team link at  at the top right and enter the relevant information.

    • Lead - Assign a team lead. The team lead will have the permissions to manage this team. Add the Team lead to the team as well.

    • Program - Optional. Add the team to a program. A program is a group of teams that are associated with the same Jira project or Agile board.

    • Administrative - Optional. Select Administrative if the team members aren’t generally involved when planning capacity or resources.

  4. Click Create. Your team is added to the list of teams, and you can start adding members to it.


  1. Select the team to which you want to add members from the list on the Teams page. The team's overview is displayed.

  2. Click the Add Member link at the bottom left.

  3. Start typing the name of the user you want to add to the team, and select their name from the matching results.

  4. Complete the Add Member form with the following information:

    • Role - Select the role that the user will serve on the team. By default, member is selected.

    • Commitment - The percentage of the user's time to allocate to this team. The default is 100%.

    • Joining - Optional. Select the date the user will be joining this team.

    • Leaving - Optional. Select the date the user will be leaving this team.

  5. Click Save to add the new team member.

Add a Jira user group to a team

  1. Select the team to which you want to add a Jira group.

  2. In the team overview, click Bulk Add Members at the bottom left. Here you can add Jira user groups. You also can add active directory groups.

  3. Start typing the name of the user group you want to add to the team, and select it from the matching results.

  4. When you have selected all the groups you want to add to the team, click Next.

  5. The dialog box will show how many users will be added to the team. Click Confirm to add these members to the team.


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HCTIMESHEETS:Adding Members to and Removing Members from Tempo Teams
HCTIMESHEETS:Adding Members to and Removing Members from Tempo Teams
namebulk add

You can select each member and assign them a role, define their time commitment to the team, assign skills, and add when they will be joining and leaving the team. 

Membership changes (such as adding a new member) to the Jira user group are not automatically updated in the Tempo team after you've bulk-added the members. You need to add this Jira group again to the Tempo team for the new members to appear here.

Next Step
