Tip |
The hours that you enter in the Billable hours field are used to calculate revenues for a Tempo Project in Cost Tracker by Tempo. |
To make sure that the Billable hours field appears in the Log Time form for only the Jira projects that are related to billable work, it's recommended to create a separate Jira permission scheme for only Jira projects that are granting the Set Billable Hours permission. This way, other Jira projects that are not related to billable work will not have the Billable hours field, which can lead to inaccurate data being entered. See Tracking Billable Hours on Projects for steps on how to do this.
The hours in the Billable hours field default to the same number of hours logged in the Duration field, so remember to adjust the number of Billable hours if necessary - for example, only 6 out of 8 hours worked might be actually billable. And if you don't have any billable hours for this issue, remember to enter 0h in the Billable hours field.
Follow the Tracking Billable Hours on Projects tutorial or watch this video to see how to use the Billable hours field to track billable hours on a Jira project: