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Approve project hours directly from Cost TrackerFinancial Manager.

Project owners can verify and approve project hours - the hours worked by team members on the project - directly in Cost TrackerFinancial Manager. Project time approval doesn’t impact time tracking or billing in other apps, such as Timesheets.


For more information about approving hours in Cost TrackerFinancial Manager, see Understanding the Project Time Approval Workflow.

To approve project hours in Cost TrackerFinancial Manager:

  1. Enable Project Time Approval in Tempo Settings for the organization.

  2. Enable it for individual Cost Tracker Financial Manager projects.

Before You Begin

  • To modify Tempo Settings, you must have Tempo administrator permissions

  • To modify Cost Tracker Financial Manager project settings, you must be a Cost Tracker Financial Manager user with Project owner permissions for the project.


You must first enable Project Time Approval for all Cost Tracker Financial Manager projects. After it’s enabled, the option is visible and available to all projects.

  1. Navigate to Settings.

  2. Under the Tempo Projects section, select Project Features.

  3. Toggle Enable Project Time Approval.

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Cost Tracker Financial Manager project owners can now view and enable Project Time Approval for their projects.


If the option Project Time Approval option is not visible in your project’s configuration, it must be enabled in Tempo Settings first for your organization.

  1. In Cost TrackerFinancial Manager, select the project for which you want to approve project hours.

  2. Click on the Configuration tab.

  3. In the General section, scroll down to the Project Time Approval

  4. Toggle Project Time Approval.

    A confirmation message notifies you that the feature is now activatedenabled.

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  5. The Approvals tab in the top right is added to your Tempo project. Click the tab to access the project time approval workflow.

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Disable Project Time Approval for Projects


If Project Time Approval is disabled on the organization level, the option is not available to Cost Tracker Financial Manager projects, and the Approvals tab is hidden.

A Project Owner can disable Project Time Approval for your individual Cost Tracker Financial Manager projects in your project configuration, or a Tempo administrator can disable the option for the entire organization.
