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Why do the Jira worklogs appear with the author Tempo Timesheets instead of the user's name?



cloud instances, when a user logs work with Tempo, the Tempo Timesheets plugin updates JIRA’s time spent field on the issue, as many Reports, functionalities and more are relying on this field. This also happens whenever a user edits or deletes a worklog. On

Jira Cloud, Tempo resides in


its own system

, and using it's

and uses its own database


, outside of the


Jira database and system



By informing JIRA which user created a Worklog, we may be breaking the View All Worklog permission - as once this information is within JIRA, we can't protect it anymore, and JIRA will display the information in various places. We must not break our permissions when sending information out to JIRA. For this reason is the Tempo Timesheets plugin that updates the JIRA's time spent field, without disclosing any specific information

By default, Jira shows all of its worklogs to project users. In order to maintain data privacy, Tempo is set up as a 3rd-party plugin user (Tempo Timesheets) that maintains worklogs for all Jira users. This means that Tempo Timesheets panels show up in all Jira issues. This also allows Tempo permissions to be applied to individual users inside Jira projects.
So when a user has only the “Browse Projects” permission, they will see the issue details, but not the worklog details, in both the Jira view and Tempo panel. If they have the View All Worklogs permission, they will see the worklog details in the Tempo panel.

For this reason of maintaining data privacy, worklog information that is synced to Jira will be displayed as being made by "Tempo Timesheets",  and the worklog comments will show as "time tracking". This affects also the JQL option to find issues where a specific user has logged time on (worklogAuthor).

To see complete Tempo worklog information, please use the Tempo panel instead of the Jira view, and use the Tempo REST API instead of the Jira REST API.