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Dynamic work attribute based on the user selection

You can create a REST endpoint in Scriptrunner and select the endpoint url as a dynamic work attribute.

The sample script grabs the userkey from the person to log time against and populates a different option list depending on the user selected. Define the url for the dynamic worklog attribute as:


In runtime the {author} part will be replaced with the Jira userkey of the person to log time for. The script below catches the user information passed from Tempo and populates a list based on the user.

import import groovy.json.JsonBuilder import groovy.transform.BaseScript import import @BaseScript CustomEndpointDelegate delegate tempoWorkType(httpMethod: "GET") { MultivaluedMap queryParams, String body -> def callbackFn = queryParams.getFirst("callback") def userkey = queryParams.getFirst("user") def options = [ values: [ [ key : "none", value: "No user did match the search" ] ] ] switch (userkey) { case("JIRAUSER10000"): options = [ values: [ [ key : "john", value: "It is John" ] ] ] break case("JIRAUSER10128"): options = [ values: [ [ key : "taylor", value: "It is Taylor" ] ] ] break case("JIRAUSER10104"): options = [ values: [ [ key : "bob", value: "It is Bob" ] ] ] break } def jsObjectOptions = new JsonBuilder(options).toPrettyString() def resp = "${callbackFn} ( ${jsObjectOptions} )".toString() // Adding 'application/javascript' is needed to prevent a browser error like this: script cannot be executed due to // wrong MIME type. // For example, the error in Chrome is: "Refused to execute script from '*' because its MIME type // ('application/javascript') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled." Response.ok(resp) .header('Content-Type', 'application/javascript') .build() }