Tempo Team Navigator

In the teams navigator, you can search and filter all Tempo Teams that you have permission to view.

Accessing the teams navigator

Click Tempo > TEAMS more.

The teams navigator (click to enlarge)

Filtering the list of teams

Above the list of teams, the filter menu bar contains filter attributes, such as Member, Lead, and (for Tempo Planner) Program.

Filtering by searching

On the filter menu bar, in the search field, type text that you want to search for, and press Enter. Teams that contain the text in one or more of the fields of the team are listed.

Filtering by selecting attribute values

Complete the following steps:

  1. On the filter menu bar, click a filter attribute.
  2. From the list that is displayed, select one or more values of the attribute.
  3. On the filter menu bar, click Search.

Filter example - by Member

Related topic

Tempo Team Navigator

Tempo Timesheets for Server Documentation
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