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Automatically generating plans for your team

The Team Backlog helps the user visualising and organising his work by offering different planning modes. It allows the user to organise the project backlogs, by placing issues in versions, epics or iterations, and also gives him an iteration overview when the iterations are selected, by showing him forecasted timeline for the iteration, the workload and a status board where issues can be assigned to team members.

Navigating to Team Backlog

Team Backlog is opened in 3 different ways.

  • By clicking the Backlog button to the right in the sub-header area of the team members timeline. 
  • By clicking the iteration name in the Agenda for the team (Only available on server)
  • By selecting Team Planning from the Tempo drop-down in the top navigation.


Iteration(Sprint) Planning

By organising your work into iterations, the user can view workload for the team and available hours for all team members.  It also allows the user to see issues being worked on and a forecasted timeline for the issues that are in progress.  The forecasted timeline also shows past worklogs and plans from Team Members Timeline. By using the Iteration Board it is possible to assign issues in the iteration to team members and view the progress. Read more.


Organising Epics

To organise issues from epics the user can easily drag issues from the Project Backlog, or any view that is displayed in the main section of the Team Backlog, and drop them on the epic cards in the Epics Sidebar.  By selecting an epic card from Epics Sidebar, a detailed Epic Overview is displayed, showing all issues, progress and more. Read more.

Version Planning

Issues can also be organised into versions, regardless from being in Epics or Iterations. By using that, in combination with the Projects Timelines, helps to do detailed release planning.  Add issues from Project Backlog by dropping them on the issue cards in the Versions Sidebar and get a detailed overview of the progress and issues in the versions. Read more.


Known issue

If you change the name of a sprint in JIRA Software or in JIRA Agile, the change of name might be delayed on some screens of Tempo Planner due to a caching issue.

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