Widgets & Groups

Widgets & Groups

Widgets are the primary design element for Dashboards and Groups are the basis of the Dashboard Layout. Add Widgets and Groups to your Dashboard in Design Mode. The Widget Gallery has many options to choose from, including work metrics, scheduling, properties, lists, notes, images, and intake forms.


Widgets and Groups in View Mode

Widgets and Group example

Groups provide control over widget size, position, filtering and scope. When viewing the dashboard in View Mode, grouped widgets are enclosed within the same border.

Clicking More Details on the Widget performs the action defined in Widget Settings. They can either expand into a view that shows more data, open a Plan Item Edit Panel, or navigate to another view in the Workspace.

Settings allows Project Managers to view and edit Widget Settings without leaving View Mode. Widgets inherit the Group’s scope and data filter settings.

This lesson covers widget set up and filtering for all the widget types except intake forms which are covered in their own lesson, Project & Task Intake Forms.


Add Widgets and Groups in Design Mode

Design mode example

When a Dashboard is created it has two sample groups and several widgets. Widgets are always in a Group. They can be created within the Group or dragged over from another Group. Widgets inherit the Group’s scope and data filter settings. When moved from one group to the next they automatically update to the new Group’s settings. Open Design Mode to add or edit Widgets and Groups.

+Widget opens the Widget Gallery. Select a Widget and Save it to the Dashboard.

+Widget in the header bar creates a new Widget and a new Group

+Widget in the Group adds the Widget to the bottom of the Group

+Group creates a new section on the left side of the Dashboard.

Done exits Design Mode, returning you to the Dashboard’s View Mode.

Formatting Groups

In Design Mode, use the dots to drag a Group and all its widgets to a new location on the Dashboard.

The default Group name in the title bar comes from its Scope. A Group’s default name doesn’t appear on the Dashboard. Enter a name for the Group if you would like one displayed.

To the right of the title bar, Group Filter opens the modal where Scope and Filtering are defined. Scope and Filtering are optional for a Group. When they are applied, all the Widgets in the Group inherit its settings.

The last icon on the right has Group Options which includes Size, +Widget, Duplicate, Delete. Duplicating or deleting a Group includes the Group and all its Widgets. The Group’s size can span the full width of the Dashboard, or half.

Formatting Widgets

Use the dots to drag a Widget to another location in the Group or move it to another Group.

The default Widget name in the title bar comes from its Scope. This is the name that will appear on the Dashboard unless you enter a name of your own. This can also be entered in Settings.

To the right of the title bar, More Detail performs the action defined in Widget Settings. Clicking a widget can expand into a View on the Dashboard, open a Plan Item Edit Panel or navigate to another View in the Workspace.

Settings gear opens the modal for defining Scope, Filters and Widget Settings. Scope and Filtering are optional for most widgets. Each widget’s settings are explained later in this lesson.

The last icon on the right has Widget Options including Settings, Size, Duplicate, Delete. The Widget can span the full width of the Group, or half. Four widgets can span the width of a Dashboard when they are set to Half Size.


Widget Gallery in Design Mode

Widgets are located in the Widget Gallery which opens when clicking +Widgets in Design Mode. The remainder of this lesson explains widgets in detail. Widgets have different settings available which can be summarized as follows:

Have Data Filter Settings: Metrics Tally, Task Board, Workload, Plan Item Lists

Need to be Scoped to a Plan Item: Insights, Linked Note, Properties Summary, Schedule Summary

Expand into Views on the Dashboard: Changes, Metrics Tally, Plan Item Lists, Task Board, Workload

Have On-Click Settings that open the edit panel or navigate to another view: Properties Summary, Schedule Summary

Dashboard specific widgets: Dashboard Note and Image

Add new work: Project Intake Form and Task Intake Form



Changes Widget displays the five most recent changes on items captured within the scope and filter set. Clicking the widget in View Mode expands a Changes View on the Dashboard showing plan item changes made over the last 90 days (30 days for the FREE plan).

Widget Title: incorporate filter parameters in the title so viewers understand which plan items are included in the widget and its Changes View.

Widget scope is optional. Use it to narrow scope and filters inherited from Group and Dashboard settings.

Interactivity in View Mode: clicking a Task link opens the Edit Panel. Clicking a Project or Sub-Folder navigates to the task list in Project View. Clicking a Package takes you to its Package View.

Click to expand the widget 

When viewers click the Changes Widget in View Mode, it expands to show all plan items captured within the Widget Scope, plus scope and filters on the Group and Dashboard. See the Changes & Deleted Items lesson for more about monitoring workspace updates.

Return to View Mode by clicking the orange button at the top of the screen.


Dashboard Note

Apply Notes to your Dashboard using a rich text editor that supports text formatting, images, hyperlinks, code sample, special characters, emoticons and time stamps. In View Mode, clicking the widget expands the Note so it can be edited or viewed more easily.

Widget Title: add a title that catches your viewers’ attention.

Create tables in the widget or paste in spreadsheet data from other programs such as Excel.

Use the Help tab in the widget editor to explore shortcuts, keyboard navigation and plugins.

Scope and Filters: this widget doesn’t require scope and it isn’t affected by scope and filtering on the Group or Dashboard.

Save closes the editor and returns to Design Mode.

Interactivity in View Mode: click on the widget to open the editor and update the note without going to Design Mode. Project Manager access required.



Add Images to the Dashboard. Supported file types include: BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, PNG, SVG, TIFF, WEBP. Entering a title is optional. Save closes the editor.



Insights widget collects Schedule and Work Metrics in a simplified view. Scope the widget to a Package, Project or Sub-Folder to monitor progress and keep things moving in the right direction.

Widget Title: incorporate filter parameters in the title so viewers understand which plan items insights are being displayed.

Scope: this widget needs to be linked to a plan item through either the Widget, Group or Dashboard scope. If scope has not been set in at least one area, a warning appears: image-20240917-164347.png Scope needs attention.

Insights Widget Dashboard View

The Insights widget displays Schedule and Work Metrics. The metrics are roll ups calculated from the widget’s scope. If a metric’s value is 0 the insight is grayed out. Jump from the Dashboard to another view using the Schedule, Workload, Board and Grid buttons.

Total Hours is represented by the calculator. The equation for Total Work is Hours Logged + Remaining Estimate = Total Work. Hours are presented as a range with the mean in parenthesis in the upper row. When a Work Limit is set the Delta is displayed. The insight turns red when Total Work is more than the Work Limit. Negative Work Deltas mean Total Work is under the Work Limit (that’s a good thing!).

Remaining Hours are represented by the map with a location dot. Hours are presented as a range, with the mean in parenthesis on the upper row. Remaining estimate is used to calculate expected Start and Finish dates. The estimate decrements automatically when people track time.

Target Finish is the deadline date.

Expected Finish date is calculated by the algorithm. When a Target Finish date is set, the Target Date Delta is displayed. When Expected Finish is after the Target Finish, the insight turns red. A positive Delta is the number of days past the Target Finish date.

Logged Hours are represented by the briefcase with a timer.

Uncertain Hours are represented by a sensor cloud. This metric represents the difference in hours between the best case and worst-case estimates. Some uncertainty should be expected, but if you’re concerned about the gap between Expected Finish and Latest Finish, then these hours need to be reduced.

Sliders represent the Total Percent Complete in hours and tasks. Percentages increase as hours are logged and tasks are marked done.

Unused Hours are represented by the person with the timer. These are the hours left over from assignments marked done before the Remaining Estimate reached 0-0. They can be allocated to other work.

Clipped Hours are represented by a fire sensor. These are the hours that won’t be completed because the Target Finish date is set to “Stop Scheduling.”


Linked Note

Linked Note displays the information in the Notes field on the Edit Panel of a Package, Project or Sub-Folder. In View Mode, clicking the widget expands the Linked Note so it can be edited or viewed more easily.

Widget Title: include the plan item and note field names in the widget title so viewers know what they’re looking at.

Scope: this widget needs to be linked to a plan item through either the Widget, Group or Dashboard scope. If scope has not been set in at least one area, a warning appears:  image-20240917-164445.png Scope needs attention.

Link To: select the Note to display. Be sure to select a plan item that falls within the scope set on the Dashboard, Group or Widget.  image-20240917-164455.png Scope needs attention appears when you link to a note on a plan item that is outside their boundaries. If you forget to link the note after setting the scope, “Linked Note could not render” displays. Open settings and select a note to clear the error.

Save closes the editor and returns to Design Mode.

Interactivity in View Mode: click on the widget to open the editor and update the note without going to Design Mode. Project Manager access required.


Plan Item List Widgets: Package, Project, Sub-Folder, Task and Assignment

Plan Item List widgets are custom tables displaying schedule data, work metrics and properties associated with Packages, Projects, Sub-Folders, Tasks or Assignments. These display up to 5 columns and 20 rows in View Mode. Clicking the widget expands into a Grid View on the Dashboard with more data.


People List Widget

Use the People List Widget to display hours, work and schedule metrics by Member, Resource and Placeholder. Apply a date range filter to see their availability and workload within the time period. A user will appear in the widget when they have work assigned to items within the dashboard location. For example, a People List widget in a Project Dashboard will include everyone with work assigned to the project.

Similar to the Plan Item List widgets described above, it displays up to 5 columns and 20 rows in View Mode. Select the widget to expand it into a Grid View where more rows and columns are shown. If you have enabled Show Totals in the settings of the People List widget, you will also see the total amount for each numerical column at the bottom of the widget.


Metrics Tally

Displaying Metrics on the Dashboard makes it easy to follow along with the work and status of plan items. Metrics are tallied based on scope and filters set on the Widget, its Group and the Dashboard. Choose Metrics to display on the widget and when viewers click it will expand into a list showing all metrics.


Properties Summary

Properties Summary includes all the data associated with a plan item. Select what you want to show on the widget in View Mode and set the click action for viewers. Clicking the widget can open a tab on the Edit Panel or navigate them to another view in the workspace.


Schedule Summary

Schedule Summary displays the schedule rollup for a Package, Project or Sub-Folder. Select a plan item and set the click action for viewers. Clicking the widget in View Mode can open a tab on the Edit Panel or navigate to another view in the workspace.


Task Board

Task Board is a Custom Task Status Meter that changes as tasks move from one status to the next. Clicking the widget expands into a Board View in the Dashboard displaying Tasks captured within the scope and filter set.



Workload shows how work is distributed over 60 days with the heaviest load on top. The top five appear in the widget, to see more click it to expand a Workload View in the Dashboard.

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