This article is for Server and Data Center.

These are unpublished settings and should only be undertaken on the advice of Tempo Support. Misconfiguration or misuse of these settings could cripple your Tempo functionality and user experience so proceed with extreme caution.

Enterprise customers who generate large volumes of worklogs have the option to optimize their reporting experience by limiting the number of worklogs to process. These new options can be used to limit the load on the system when processing larger volumes of worklog data.

Both options rely on rest API calls. These worklog options should only be initiated by experienced operators familiar with the functions and use of API calls in their Tempo environment.

Information on Tempo rest API’s can be found here.

Disable worklog export:

In instances where you want to restrict the export of Tempo reports (for security or data compliance), the flag worklogExportEnabled was added to the global configuration rest api to disable the worklog report export. If disabled, the worklog reports will show an error message explaining why the export cannot be used.

How to use the API:

Authentication works in the same way as the any other documented Tempo APIs (i.e. basic auth + setting the CSRF cookie).

The configuration key is name worklogExportEnabled

To read the current value: GET <yourJiraInstance>/rest/tempo-core/1/globalconfiguration.

To set a value: PUT <yourJiraInstance>/rest/tempo-core/1/globalconfiguration with the following payload:

  "worklogExportEnabled": false

Switch false to true to enable it again.

Limit the worklog query base count:

In some environments, it may be desirable to cap the number of worklogs that are processed for a report. To do so, you can configure a defined limit of worklogs in the global configuration rest api via the key, worklogQueryBaseCountLimit. This will prevent query processing of large volumes of data. If a number is configured, the the system will show an explanatory error message should a user who’s search parameters exceed the set limit.

Determining the appropriate cap on worklogs is unique to each customer’s Tempo instance.

How to use the API:

Authentication works in the same way as the any other of our documented Tempo APIs (i.e. basic auth + setting the CSRF cookie).

The configuration key is name worklogQueryBaseCountLimit

To read the current value: GET <yourJiraInstance>/rest/tempo-core/1/globalconfiguration.

To set a value: PUT <yourJiraInstance>/rest/tempo-core/1/globalconfiguration with the following payload:

  "worklogQueryBaseCountLimit": XXXXXX

The default is unlimited. You can set the cap back to unlimited by passing null as a key value.

  "worklogQueryBaseCountLimit": null

The absolute minimum value for the Worklog Query Base Count Limit is 1000 and the system will generate an error and prevent any values lower than this from being used.

This article is specific to Server Release 15.0.1 and should only be used with it. The complete Server Release Notes can be found here.