There might be a need to automate logging work triggered by an action in Jira. E.g . I need to maake sure that there has been logged work on Jira transition. This can easily be achieved with Automation for Jira Cloud. In our example we will leverage the Tempo REST APIs (creating a worklog) in order to do so. In order to consume the Tempo REST API you will need an Access token.


Follow the steps

  1. From you Jira project settings navigate to Automations.

  2. Define the trigger that will fire the automation. There are many, many options to do so. In our example we choose a worklow transition.

  3. Next we define the action that the automation rule should perform for us. From the list of actions available pick “Send web request”.

  4. Now fill in the required fields similar to the screenshot below. Jira automation offers many (endless) smart values to be used in the payload of our request.

  5. Before you publish the automation you can validate the action to make sure it works properly. You will see a detailed response in case of a failed validation.


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