This article is for Tempo for Cloud.

To set Tempo Team on the child issue of an Epic, with Jira Automation, this can be done with a few steps. In this tutorial, we will set Tempo Team based on Epic’s team for the child issue created.

(blue star) Instructions

Set Tempo Team from Epic for new child issue by Project

  1. Set up an automation rule under Projects > Settings > Automation

  2. Trigger of the rule choose “Issue created”

  3. Add a new condition > Related issues condition

  4. Select “Epic” for Related issues, “Exists” for Condition and Rule restricted to projects for your projects

  5. Since Tempo Team is not an available field in Jira automation (unlike Tempo Account), you need to get it as a Jira custom field from Epic.

  6. Get the issue key of the Epic into a variable

  7. Send web request to get Epic details from Epic key

  8. Create a variable to store the Team ID from Epic (you should have your own Jira customfield_##### field number)

  9. Update the child issue’s Team ID from Epic

  10. Save and publish the automation

  11. Create a new child issue in the Epic of the project(s). You should see Tempo Team value has been inherited from the Epic.

Please make sure the Team is set on the Epic and the Team is linked to the project.

Modify the conditions can setup for other parent issues too.

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