
What are the Tempo keyboard shortcuts?


Tempo Timesheets shortcuts

  • w | Opens the Log Time form from anywhere in Tempo or Jira. * 

  • g then t | Goes to My Work from anywhere in Tempo or Jira.

  • Hold Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl/Alt (Windows) and drag a time record | Copies the time record to another date.

Tempo Planner shortcuts

  • Hold Shift and drag a plan | Copies the plan to another date.

  • Hold Cmd (Mac)or Ctrl (Windows) and click on a plan | Splits the plan at the location that you click.

  • Delete with a plan selected Delete the plan (press enter to confirm or esc to cancel).

  • Escape with a plan selectedEscape the plan details.

Jira shortcuts

  • g then | Browse to the current project.

  • g then ag then h | Go to agile board.

  • g then i | Go to the issue navigator.

  • g then g | Go to the administration search dialog box. (Only available if you have the 'JIRA administrators' global permission).

* On Cloud, when Tempo is installed, the w shortcut key will open up Log Time form in Jira issue view. When Tempo is not installed, the w shortcut key will watch the issue in Jira issue view.

Cloud Keyboard shortcuts


Data Center Keyboard shortcuts