The Issues suggestion sidebar is displayed on the right side of the Tempo Worklog Calendar and can be configured for each user.

Selecting a suggestion category

All suggestion categories are displayed by default, and a message is displayed if there is no search result for the user. You can select the sections to be displayed and rearrange the display by moving the sections in the configure mode. The state is saved to be displayed the next time you view the Worklog Calendar.

Click the icon (gear) to configure the Issues Suggestions Sidebar.

You can reorder the category headings, or hide a category don't want to be displayed in the sidebar.

Displaying Jira filters

A Jira filter from the user's favorite list can be selected to be displayed in the Suggestion section.

Selecting a Jira filter - click to enlarge

You can display more than one filter in the suggestion sidebar, and each filter has its own heading.

(info) The Assigned to Me section that was displayed by default in previous versions has been removed because users can easily create that filter as a favorite.

Click the X in the top right section to exit Configure mode.