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Chart Types

Customize your charts by selecting different Chart Types. There are 10 different chart types available today!

Watch below to see Jira data visualized with different chart types!

Learn More About Each Chart Type

Pie Chart

Bar Chart

2D Grouped Bar Chart

2D Stacked Bar Chart

Line Chart

2D Line Chart

Funnel Chart

Table Chart

2D Table Chart

Tile Chart


Pie Chart

What is a pie chart?

A pie chart displays your Jira data as a pie, with each slice representing the Chart By option selected.


When to use this chart type

  • You have 3-5 data points to display

  • The data points are different enough to render visibly different-sized pie slices

  • You need to see parts in relation to a whole



  • Issues by Priority

  • Issues by Status Category (To Do, In Progress, Done)


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1D Bar Chart

What is a bar chart?

A bar chart displays your Source data as a set of vertical bars along the x-axis, with each bar representing your Chart By dropdown selection.


When to use this chart type

  • Your data points are similar

  • You have more than 3-5 data points

  • You need to do comparisons of each segment



  • Issues by Request Type

  • Issues by Assignee


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2D Grouped Bar Chart

What is a 2D grouped bar chart?

A 2D grouped bar chart displays your Source data as grouped sets of vertical bars. Your Chart By option represents the values for each vertical bar, and your Group By option groups the bars.


When to use this chart type

  • You’re comparing data from multiple datasets



  • Status of Issues in Each Project

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2D Stacked Bar Chart

What is a stacked bar chart?

A 2D stacked bar chart displays your Source data as a set of vertical bars along the x-axis with each bar sliced into colored segments horizontally. The Chart By option sets the vertical bars, and the Group By selection sets the horizontal segments.


When to use this chart type

  • You’re comparing data from multiple datasets



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1D Line Chart

What is a line chart?

Points connected by line segments to demonstrate changes in value


When to use this chart type

  • You want to track data points over periods of time



  • Total Revenue Each Quarter

  • Time Spent Each Month


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2D Line Chart

Funnel Chart

1D Table Chart

2D Table Chart

Tile Chart