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Issue Expenses

Since Timesheets 8, it is possible to define expenses at the issue level, directly in the issue browser screen. These expenses show up as actual costs in folios that include the associated issues in their scope. 

Issue Expenses as Actual Costs

When adding an expense to an issue, it is automatically added as actual costs to all folios that include that issue in their scope. Note that only expenses incurred in the folio's timeframe are taken into account in a given folio. These expenses are editable only at the issue level, not in the folios. Actual expenses that are defined in issues are recognizable in folios by a coloured tag showing up at the left of the expense's name in the folio's actual costs browser. This tag is labeled with the key of the issue where it is defined. It is coloured according to the issue's project colour configuration. Clicking on the tag takes you to the issue's details, where you can edit (among other things) the expenses details associated to it. 

Timesheets uses a slightly different naming scheme than Budgets when defining expenses. This will be aligned in the future, but for the time being, please take note of the following mapping between issue expenses and their folio counterpart:

In the issue (Timesheet)

In the folio (Budgets)

In the issue (Timesheet)

In the folio (Budgets)

Expense's description

Expense's name

Expense's category

Expense's type

Actual expenses originating from issues are automatically labelled with any label(s) these issues have. This means they will show up and be filtered normally in reports using labels if required.


The currency of expenses defined in issues is driven by the default price table. When showing up in a folio, the amount of an issue expense is automatically converted to the folio's currency, as defined in the exchange rates table defined in Budgets global settings. If no exchange rate is defined from the issue expense's currency to the folio's one, then a rate of 1:1 will be used. When a currency conversion applies, an asterisk shows up next to the amount in the folio. Hovering the asterisk with the mouse pointer brings up a tooltip showing the exchange rate used to convert the amount.


Tempo Budgets allows to specify expenses as operational expenditures (OPEX) or capitalized expenditures (CAPEX). By default, issue expenses are included in folios as operational expenditures. You can also configure your folio to have issue expenses' category to be driven by the issue's /wiki/spaces/TEMPO/pages/365199803 (if the issue is associated with any account). When this configuration setting is enabled, if an issue is marked as belonging to an account of type "Capitalized", then its associated expenses will show up as CAPEX in the folio's actual costs.

CSV Export and Import

When exporting actual costs as CSV, issue expenses are included along and marked with the issue key in column "Issue".  Note though that when importing CSV exported actual expenses, then issue expenses are skipped as they will implicitly show up in any folio that include the related issues. If any such issue expense is present in an imported file, a skip notification will appear in the import report including a link to the related issue.