Filtering Report Data

This article is for Financial Manager for Cloud.

Filtering Report Data

When you generate a report, you have the option to filter the report to the data you want to view. Since reports are snapshots of the project or portfolio data at the report creation time, you can’t change the filter after you generate a report. You must create a new report with a new filter.

We recommend filtering your reports to the information that you want to view. This saves time and prevents performance issues when you have a lot of data to load.

Filter Data

The Filter by field at the top of the report shows which filters are applied.

  1. Create a Financial Manager report.

  2. In the Filter By field, click for a list of filter options.

  3. Select the data you want to include in the report. Use the checkboxes to add or remove filters.

    • Use the search box to search for specific roles, accounts, etc.

    • If you select multiple filters in a category, any issue that matches the filter is included in the report. For example, if you select Designer and Developer, any issue that includes a designer OR a developer is returned.

    • If you select filters in multiple categories, issues are only included if they match all categories.
      For example, if you select a filter from Role and a filter from Account, only issues that include the selected role AND the selected account are included.

  4. Click Back to return to the list of filters.

View Filters Used in a Report

When you open a report, you can view the filter used to create it. Click Filters at the top right.

We display how many fields are selected in the filter.

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