monday.com Integration

monday.com Integration

While monday.com provides teams with a medium for creating aesthetically driven, data-focused projects, many teams would like a curated, high-level picture of their projects & tasks. To better visualize your monday.com projects in a consumable, simple-to-understand roadmap, users can create a one-way connection with monday.com, which allows them to pull content into their roadmaps and visualize it against other projects across all the tools your team uses on a daily basis.

Getting Started with monday.com

Linking Strategic Roadmaps to your monday.com Instance


In order to connect your Roadmaps to your instances & projects in monday.com, an Account Admin on your Strategic Roadmaps account will need to establish the connection between Strategic Roadmaps and monday.com first. Once this connection is established, users will be able to view and select this integration option during their on-roadmap setup and save both instance & credential details for future setup of additional roadmaps.

To create a new monday.com integration in Strategic Roadmaps:

  1. Click into your avatar in the bottom-left and navigate into the Account Settings menu.

  2. Once in Account Settings, navigate to the Integrations tab along the top.

  3. Select the + Add an integration button and choose monday.com from the configuration menu.

  4. In the setup window that appears, enter the following details:

    • monday.com Integration Name: The reference name which describes to yourself and your team the monday.com instance you're connecting to.

    • monday.com Integration URL is shown but cannot be edited due to the static nature of this pathway. Unlike other Strategic Roadmaps integrations, the instance being accessed is defined at the roadmap level, not the account level.

  5. Once these details have been entered, click the Create Integration button to finalize the setup.

To update an existing monday.com integration in Strategic Roadmaps:

  1. Click into your avatar in the bottom-left and navigate into the Account Settings menu.

  2. Once in Account Settings, navigate to the Integrations tab along the top.

  3. Select the Edit button in the monday.com Integration you're looking to update.

  4. In the edit window that appears, the administrator who created the integration can update:

    • monday.com Integration Name: The reference name which describes to yourself and your team the monday.com instance you're connecting to.

  5. Once these details have been changed, click the Update Integration button to finalize the setup. Changes are applied immediately for all users across the account.

To delete an existing monday.com integration in Strategic Roadmaps:

  1. Prior to deletion, ensure that no roadmaps are currently using this particular integration.

  2. Click into your avatar in the bottom-left and navigate into the Account Settings menu.

  3. Once in Account Settings, navigate to the Integrations tab along the top.

  4. Select the Delete button in the monday.com integration you're looking to remove.

  5. Once selected, the integration will be deleted immediately and will be removed from the menu.

Generating Credentials for Strategic Roadmaps in monday.com

In order to authorize the data transfer between Strategic Roadmaps and monday.com, Strategic Roadmaps relies on a user-generated credential which allows the user to view and pull their data from their projects. In this case, we require the Personal API Token provided in your Profile page on monday.com as your credential and during the roadmap setup will allow you to set a Credential Label so you can easily differentiate this particular token from others you may use (in the case of teams working across multiple active monday.com deployments).


Users can generate a Personal Access Token from the Settings menu in monday.com. For more details see monday.com's article on creating a Personal API Token.

For Admins:

  • In monday.com, click into your avatar in the top-right corner.

  • Select the Administration option from the provided menu.

  • In the Administration page, navigate to API

  • Once on the API v2 Token page, click the Create button to generate a token

  • You can copy the provided token for use later.

For non-Admins:

  • In monday.com, click into your avatar in the top-right corner.

  • Select the Developers option from the provided menu.

  • In the Developer Center, navigate to My access tokens

  • Copy the provided token on the page for use later

For the sake of user & data security, tokens can be regenerated at any time from this page.

Connecting your Roadmaps to monday.com

Integrations Setup Walkthrough

It's a quick and easy process to set up an integration between your monday.com projects and your team's roadmaps in Strategic Roadmaps. The setup process can be broken down into three stages: triggering the integration, applying synchronization settings, and applying field and filter settings. Once those have been completed, your roadmap will be set to pull and visualize data from monday.com as needed.

Step 1 - Triggering the Roadmap Integration

Once the integration connector has been set up by your Account Admin, you will be able to select the Setup monday.com Integration option in the Integrations tool on your roadmap. Triggering this integration will not overwrite your existing data; however, once you've linked a roadmap to a project you are unable to remove that connection or change the specified project.

This option will activate a setup wizard which will walk you through the process of connecting your roadmap to a specific project in monday.com to act as a data source for your roadmap.

Step 2 - Applying Synchronization Settings

Once in the setup wizard, you will be prompted to follow the preset workflow to complete the integration. In the first phase of this workflow, you will have the option to select which monday.com connector you would like to pull project data through, the synchronization direction (one-way, at this time), and the automatic sync cadence (default is set to 12 hours).


Step 3 - Applying Credentials, Field & Filter Settings

Once your instance has been selected, you'll be prompted to choose your credentials for syncing with monday.com. If you haven't previously setup credentials to sync with, please enter the API Token (labelled "Personal Access Token") that was generated in the steps above and apply a Credential Label for future reference.

After these details above have been provided, you will be able to select the project you would like to pull data from and the state of issues being pulled to bring in only the relevant content is being pulled. Once these settings have been applied, you'll be able to specify Start Date & End Date and select the monday.com fields to use on your roadmap. While the specified project can't be changed after the setup, the user-defined dates and fields can be updated later if needed.

Once you've completed this phase of the setup, you'll be taken to a confirmation screen to let you know that the integration has been set up successfully. After completing the setup wizard, you'll be returned to the roadmap view, where your data will begin to populate from your specified monday.com project.

What to Expect After Integrating

Once you've integrated your data from monday.com, there will be a few changes to your roadmaps. The following changes may occur after you've setup your integration:

  • All fields pulled from monday.com are Account-Level by default - Since the properties and values of these synchronized fields are managed in monday.com, we automatically promote them to account-level so they can be accessible as common fields in Portfolio roadmaps.

  • There is an External ID field that appears in the Items Table view - When synchronizing data from monday.com, we pull in the ID of each task for reference on your roadmap. This is clickable and linked out to your team's monday.com instance, so you can quickly access the respective work item from either your Table view and Item Card.

  • Unable to change or add new projects on a single roadmap - As with our other integrations, we limit connections between roadmaps and third-party tools to be a 1:1 connection. This means that you will be unable to sync multiple projects into a single roadmap; however, you will be able to create multiple roadmaps for each project and use those as sources in a Portfolio roadmap.

  • Additional Date fields will be read-only - Due to a variance in field formatting between Strategic Roadmaps and monday.com, any additional Date fields selected which are not mapped to Start and End Dates will be pulled in as read-only text fields.

  • Tokens may expire a set number of days after being created - Unlike API tokens generated for credentials in other tools, monday.com does not provide documentation as to when these tokens expire. Please ensure that you are regularly refreshing your tokens.

Modifying monday.com Integration Setup

Once the initial integration setup is complete, the roadmap owner will be able to modify the setup at any time. To do so, from the Items Table or in a roadmap visualization, simply click the monday.com button (which replaced the Integrations button) in the roadmapping toolbar and select "Modify Setup" from the drop-down menu. This will open the integration setup menu and you can update sync settings, credentials, filter work items, and select fields. 


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