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Aggregate Functions

All standard aggregate functions and available modifiers are listed on this page. 

An aggregate function call contains an expression in curly braces ("{}"), which is calculated for the item and all sub-items (or, in some cases, for another subset of related items in the structure), and then the resulting values are aggregated according to the meaning of the aggregate function.

Aggregation Functions

Produces an array of the defined values for the item and/or its sub-items. 

Accepts modifiers: #ancestors, #children, #leaves, #strict, #subtree, #fromLevel, #toLevel, #reverse, #distinct (does not include duplicate values), #flatten (if function produces an array, includes the inner values, rather than the array), #compact 

Avg calculates an average of the defined values for the item and/or its sub-items. The result for avg is generally the same as sum/count. It returns nothing if there are no defined values for {x}.

If a certain issue (or another kind of item) is included multiple times in the sub-tree, the average value will include the value for that issue only once. This behavior can be overridden by using the #all modifier.

Accepts modifiers: #all, #ancestors, #children, #leaves, #strict, #subtree, #preceding, #levels (together with #preceding), #baseLevel (together with #preceding).

Count calculates a count of defined values (or truthy values, if the #truthy modifier is specified) for the item and/or its sub-items.

If a certain issue (or another kind of item) is included multiple times in the sub-tree, it will be counted only once. This behavior can be overridden by using the #all modifier.

Accepts modifiers: #all, #ancestors, #children, #leaves, #strict, #subtree, #truthy, #preceding, #levels (together with #preceding), #baseLevel (together with #preceding).

Returns true if the current row is an issue and it matches this JQL. 

This is not an aggregate function; it's an embedded query. We've included it here because it's easy to mistake for an aggregate function - both use curly braces { }. 

To learn more, see Embedded Queries.

Join concatenates (joins) strings from the item and its parents (or other items, if modifiers are used).

  • By default, it joins all parent string values from root to the self value.

  • If the current row has children and the #subtree modifier is set, join appends the values for children, wrapping them into characters (braces by default).

  • Wrapping characters can be set by #beforeChildren and #afterChildren (see example for #subtree to see how it works).

Accepts modifiers: #ancestors, #children, #leaves, #strict, #subtree,  #reverse, #separator, #beforeChildren, #afterChildren, #fromLevel, #toLevel, #distinct.

Aggregation Modifiers