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Service Management Columns

Jira Service Management customers can visualize and manage SLA fields within a structure. This makes it possible to create custom views into your support queue and view SLA values alongside any other project or issue data.

The following Service Management columns are available in Structure:

  • Request participants

  • Request type

  • Satisfaction date

  • Time to close after resolution

  • Time to first response

  • Time to resolution

  • Time to review normal change

You can also group service issues by the Request Participants and Request Type fields.

If SLA times don't reflect your current time zone, try updating your time zone settings: click your profile icon, select Manage Account, and under Local Time set the "Who can see this?" value to Anyone.

Currently, "Time to..." fields cannot be sorted or used in formulas. Request Participants, Request Type, and Satisfaction Date fields can be sorted and used in formulas.

Additional Information

"Time to..." columns include icons which provide at-a-glance information about each ticket's timeline and SLAs:

 The ticket is still open and within the set SLA

 The ticket is still open, but the SLA has been breached

The ticket was closed within the established SLA

 The ticket was closed, but the SLA was breached

You can view additional information by hovering over the field value.