Document toolboxDocument toolbox

Structure Board

Structure Board is a full-screen view which gives you access to all the features available in Structure.

The main elements of the Structure Board are:

  • Structure Toolbar. At the top of the Structure Board, the Toolbar gives you access to the main functions for building and working with structures.
  • Working Panels. The left panel always displays the structure widget or search results, while the left panel can display another structure widget, issue details, history and other features based on the add-ons you have installed.
  • Status Bar. At the bottom of the Structure Board, this shows the number of items currently displayed, links for the Undo operations and notifications.

To open the Structure Board, click Structure in the top navigation menu in Jira and select the specific structure you want to see.

If the structure you need is not listed in the menu, there are several options:

  • At the bottom of the Structure menu, select Manage Structure. From the Manage Structure page, you can browse and search for available structures.
  • Open another structure and switch between structures on the Structure Board.
  • If you know the structure ID, you can open it directly with a URL: 

Keyboard Shortcut

Press g and then quickly s on any Jira page to open the Structure Board with the structure you opened last. (Go Structure)

Save Time!

You can make the Structure Board your Jira Home page.