Extend Generators

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Extend Generators

Extend generators allow you to add issues to a structure based on Issue Links, Epic Links and Sub-task relationships.

Extend generators are often used in conjunction with an Insert generator. In the example above, we used the Agile Board Insert to add our epics, followed by the Stories Under Epics Extender to add the stories beneath each epic and, finally, the Linked Issues Extender to add linked issues beneath these stories.

Types of Extenders

The following Insert generators are available:

Additional extenders may be available, based on other add-ons you have installed.

Always Up to Date

Generators run every time you open a structure, so the list of issues added by the Extend generator is always up to date.

Additionally, if issues change as you work with the structure, they will be added, removed, or moved accordingly, based on the rules of your Extend generator.

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