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Using Accounts as Work Attribute and Linking it to Worklogs

Configuring work attributes requires the Tempo Administrator permission.

You can use Tempo Timesheets for Server to view an Account and completed worklogs that are linked to it.

Step 1: Creating a Work Attribute

First, add a work attribute of the type Account to your worklogs. It's only possible to have one work attribute configured as an Account field at a time.

Step 2: Linking the Jira Project to an Account

Next associate the project with the account.

Step 3: Linking an Account When Creating New Worklogs or Editing Existing Ones

When you log time you can link the account to the issue. Also when editing worklogs, you can add a link to the account. The account attribute you created in step one is displayed in the Log Time dialog box allowing you to select the account to be linked to the worklog.

Step: 4 Viewing All Worklogs Linked to the Account in the Timesheets View

Use the Timesheet view in Accounts to see all worklogs linked to the account.