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Creating a worklog with work attributes using the REST API

The script will create a worklog using the REST API. You might also refer to our REST API documentation. Using the REST APIs is better way to interact with Tempo since you don´t need to bother about packages to import nor need to be worried about deprecations and additionally you will find them documented.

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor import import import import import // the user-defined property where the user name and password are stored into def baseUrl = ComponentAccessor.applicationProperties.getString(APKeys.JIRA_BASEURL) def credentials = "username:password" def data = [ attributes : [ _Account_ : [ value: "201403" ], _Mileage_: [ value: "12" ], _WorklogCategory_: [ value: "Bugfixing" ], _Team_: [ value: "6" ] ], billableSeconds: "7200", worker: "john", comment: "worked on some stuff", started: "2019-12-05T13:00:00.000", timeSpentSeconds: 7200, originTaskId: "11290", remainingEstimate: 36000 ] def client = new RESTClient(baseUrl) client.setHeaders([ Authorization : "Basic " + credentials.bytes.encodeBase64().toString(), "X-Atlassian-Token": "no-check" ]) client.handler.success = { log.debug "Worklog successfully created" } client.handler.failure = { HttpResponseDecorator response -> log.error response.entity.content.text } path: new URIBuilder("$baseUrl/rest/tempo-timesheets/4/worklogs/"), contentType: ContentType.JSON, body: data )