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Logged time on sub-tasks not always properly rolling up to parent Epic

This article is for Cloud.


After logging time on sub-tasks, the worklogs sometimes doesn’t appear correctly related to the Epic they belong to in Reports.


In this case, there are no problems with worklogs synchronization. This missmatching of relationship can happen if an Issue that is related to an Epic has worklogs and it was converted to a sub-task using the function “Convert to sub-task”.

This is a known bug from Jira side where the Jira Webhook we are using does not trigger the “Convert to subtask” issue operation despite being configured to listen to the issue update event. This is the bug’s link:

There are three options of Workaround for this problem until we have a fix from Atlassian:

  1. Re-link the sub-tasks to their parent issue:

  • Identify through the Report which are the sub-tasks that are not properly linked with their respective Epic.

  • Open the parent issue from these sub-tasks and re-link it.

  • Pull the report again and check the behavior.

2. After using the function “Convert to sub-task”, re-link the sub-task to its parent issue.

3. Stop using the function “Convert to sub-task”.