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Running Prime Cloud Locally

Details of Jira plugins on cloud


Clone  (Ask access to Krisztian)

If you log to using Google, create an App password inside your Bitbucket Account Settings and use that as the HTTPS password


Config the dev environment

This page helps how to do it: 

  • Install nvm by brew - brew install nvm

  • Install Node version 12.x -  nvm install 12.x

    Be aware about the npm version, it must be 6.x

  • Install project (npm install)

  • Configure ngrok

    • Create the account on with google email of Tempo

    • Download ngrok here

    • Unzip file: unzip

    • Connect your account with the step by step on the dashboard of ngrok

      New versions of ngrok require you to execute ngrok config add-authtoken. Older versions will use ngrok authtoken

    • If you have problem with permission to install or unzip due to security on your Mac, do the following way

      • Create a folder. Example: /Users/your_user/Documents/Executable

      • Unzip the file you downloaded in this folder

      • open your ~/.zshrc and add this line there export PATH=/Users/your_user/Workspace/Executable:$PATH. Close and save the file

  • Configure the dev environment on Atlassian

  • Create a new file in the project's root directory with the name "credentials.json" with the content:

    {     "hosts": {         "https://<YOUR_WORKSPACE>": {         "product": "jira",         "username": "<YOUR_TEMPO_EMAIL>",         "password": "<API_TOKEN_PREVIOUSLY_CREATED>"       }     }   }
  • Run the server locally (node static.js)

    • It automatic upload your plugin to your Jira and will load everything from your computer

    • After run the server, open the link generated in your terminal, for you allow ngrok. It will be required every time you run this command.
      Local tunnel established at

    • You should click on "Visit Site" button

Now it is running!
We only need to config it to the profile that your user have and see it.

Open the menu item "Apps" > "Manage your apps" > "Timesheet Configuration".
Than, add the profiles on the Auditors Groupps: jira-administrators, atlassian-addons-admin, site-admins.
After that, the menu "Timesheet" must appear inside the menu "Apps".


DO NOT uninstall, install nor activate the plugin via JIRA. You won't be able to install it again, so you'll have to create another Jira instance, with another domain.

This is a Atlassian bug. To install and uninstall, npm start and CTRL + C should be enough.


Inside the code

The project run with AngularJS and NodeJS, the pointer is the "static.js" file that start everything.


  • All the front end is inside the folder "public".

  • The application is started by the file "public/js/app.js".

  • It has a MVC pattern


  • All the backend is inside the folder "app".

  • Its used to connect with somethings on Jira



To run the tests, we only need to run "npm test".



To debug the front inside of browser, we need to do this:

  • Open the dev tools by F12 or inspecting element

  • Go to the "Source" tab

  • Inside of "top", expand the "extension_id" arrow.

  • Inside this arrow expanded, expand the first one with the ngrok domain.

  • Now all your code is there, and you can put all break points you want on the files that you changed

Remember, locally we can put break points inside of the files changed, not only inside of all.js