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Adding Tempo Account and Tempo Team custom fields to Team-Managed (former Next-Gen) projects

You can add both the Tempo Account and the Tempo Team custom fields to Team-Managed issues.

  1. The Tempo Account field (Jira custom field) can now be set on a Jira issue within the Jira issue screen. Follow these steps:

    1. Create a new or go to any existing next-gen project;

    2. Go to Project Settings -> Apps;

    3. Click Account;

    4. Link an Account in the main page as you would do with Classic projects;

    5. Go to Project Settings → Apps → App fields and enable "Timesheets";

    6. Go to Project Settings → Issue Types and set the Account field in the issue type.

2. Tempo Team field (Jira custom field) can be linked to Next-Gen projects in Tempo Teams pages. Then go to Project Settings → Issue Types and set the Team field in the issue type.