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Setting price rates

Required permission

Tempo Rate Administrators permission


Custom price tables

Price Tables

Price Tables are used when an account is associated with JIRA issues. The rates defined in price tables are used to calculate revenue in the account revenue report and the time-and-expenses report, for each account. The time-and-expenses report shows revenue for all hours logged.  The calculations for revenue are as follows:

  • Calculated Revenue for account = Sum (Logged work on JIRA issue * price rate defined for role).

To edit price rates, open the Manage menu in the top right corner of the Accounts Navigator and select Price Tables.

Selecting Price Tables option from the Manage menu

Selecting the Price Tables option opens the Price Tables screen as in the screenshot below.

The manage Price Tables main screen

The rate can be changed for each role in the list. The default rate will be used for team members without roles.

The price currency is chosen from a drop down above the price tables. Changes in currency will apply to all price tables.

Users with multiple roles

A user who is a member of multiple teams might have different roles in each team and therefore different price rates. By default, work on an issue is charged at the user's highest rate. You can set work to be charged at the user's rate for a particular team by selecting that team in the Team field of the issue.

Multiple Price Tables

Multiple price tables enable account managers to use different prices for different accounts.  A new price table can be created by clicking on the +New Price Table tab. This will open a window prompting for a new name.

Create a New Price Table  - click to enlarge

(info) A lozange next to the price table header will show how many accounts are using the table.

The new table will inherit rates and roles of the Tempo Default Price Table. Changes in the new table's rates will apply to the new table only.

The price tables can be connected to an account by selecting them in the Account price table

Delete Price Table

An option to delete a price table can be found at the bottom of the table. 

Delete Price Table  - click to enlarge

(info) It is not possible to delete the Tempo Default Price Table

(info) If other accounts are using the price table to be deleted, they will be connected to the default account

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