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TempoLab is Tempo's early access program (EAP) which provides early-stage product releases and insight into recently developed features and functionality for Tempo’s suite of products. It is designed to give our customers and partners the opportunity to try out new features and provide valuable feedback on our products. This will give our customers the opportunity to provide critical insight, and help shape the future of Tempo’s product delivery by letting us know how we can build tools and features their teams will value.

As we receive feedback on newly introduced features and functions, it is important to note that we may update our development priorities or change product design without notice. We may also decide not to progress to GA for some features based on customer and partner feedback.

What Are the Benefits of Tempolab?

TempoLab provides participants with an opportunity to provide feedback that can impact the features, functionality, and implementation of existing and future releases. Participants have a chance to:

  • Get an early look at new products and key features and functionality

  • Identify potential issues or roadblocks that might affect day-to-day activities while using Tempo

  • Test new features and/or improvements

  • Prepare users for upcoming changes

  • Prepare integrations for upcoming API changes

  • Provide feedback that will help refine feature requirements and functionality

How TempoLab works

TempoLab operates on an ad hoc basis as we develop new Cloud features. TempoLab does not include all new Cloud features, but generally includes the features that have significant customer impact and/or which have been much-requested by customers.

Generally speaking, TempoLab will adhere to the following process:

  1. When you register for TempoLab, you identify up to 3 team members from your organization who will provide feedback regarding the EAP features. These team members will be invited to join our TempoLab Slack group where they can interact directly with our product teams on the feature(s) being evaluated in the TempoLab program.

  2. Once your registration is complete, a TempoLab button appears in your selected Atlassian instance under Apps > Tempo > Settings.



  3. To access the TempoLab features in your instance, select TempoLab from Settings and check the box to agree the Terms and Conditions and click Join EAP.



  4. If you wish to turn off the TempoLab features, click Leave EAP. You can always go back in, and turn it on later.


  5. You now have access to all of the TempoLab features currently included in the program. We encourage you to provide feedback in the TempoLab Slack channel and contact our team directly with any questions. (See below for more info.)

  6. If desired, your organization can turn off the TempoLab features at any time. Your Jira administrator simply needs to click the TempoLab button in Settings to manage your participation.

  7. After the testing period ends, general releases will follow our normal Cloud release processes. These releases will be mentioned in our release notes and larger features will be announced in Tempo Updates. You also will be able to find documentation and other information about the release here in our Cloud Help Center.

  • At this point in time, it is not possible to enable TempoLab for just one Tempo product and not others.

  • Please note that you need to have Tempo Administrator permissions to enable TempoLab on your instance. It may take several minutes to access the TempoLab features once you enable them on your instance.

  • You can see which features are open for feedback by visiting the Current TempoLab Candidates page. The duration of the test period will vary by feature and will be communicated clearly on this page.

How to Give Us Feedback

Your feedback is extremely valuable to us as we continue to develop our Tempo products, and we encourage you to provide feedback on all TempoLab features via our Slack channel:

Generally speaking, the TempoLab Slack channel works like this:

  • Each company participating in TempoLab designates up to 3 employees to provide feedback in the TempoLab Slack channel.

  • Our product team monitors the Slack channel daily and does its best to respond to feedback in a timely manner.

  • Customers should provide a description of all issues and bugs found while reviewing the feature(s) via the TempoLab Slack channel.

  • We consider all feedback received in the TempoLab Slack channel as we drive improvements. In cases where the feedback cannot be addressed prior to the feature’s release, we will put it into our idea portal and/or on product roadmaps.

How to Sign Up

If you’re interested in participating in our TempoLab program, we invite you to complete the Tempo Labs registration form. Please note that you will need to provide the SEN and Atlassian URL information for your instance as part of your registration.

We will review all applications and be in touch if you have been selected. Due to the volume of applications, you might not hear from us immediately. We will keep all applications on file and may get back to you at a later date.

Should you wish to unenroll from the program, you can do so by using the same registration form.

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