Time Balance Report

This article is for Data Center. Visit Cloud

Time Balance Report

The Time Balance report for Jira Server and Data Center displays all time tracking changes for issues in a set period. Note that there is no access to worklogs from this report page.




What is it?

What can I do with it?


What is it?

What can I do with it?


Previous and Next icons

Click to scroll to the previous or next week.


Worked Hours icon

Select whether to display the daily, weekly, or monthly worked hours.


Details icon

Select whether to show or hide every worklog. When set to Hide, entries are grouped by issue.


Download icon

Click to export the report. See Exporting and Importing Time Reports.


Time Spent column

Displays the sum of worklogs for an issue, during the period selected. Note, there is also a Jira issue Timespent field, which is the overall value of time logged for an issue.


Estimate column

Displays Time Spent + Est. Time Remaining.


Variance column

Displays the time variance, calculated as Original Estimate - Estimate (Time Spent + Est. Time Remaining).


Original Estimate column

Displays the initial estimated time specified in the issue field.


Progress Column

Displays a progress bar for a quick visual cue of the progress per issue. Calculated as Time Spent / ( Est. Time Remaining + Time Spent). Displays as 100% when Est. Time Remaining is 0.


Total row

Displays the total time per time column, as well as the total progress for the displayed table.

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