Tempo Servlets API

Integrating two systems is a fairly complex process; change in one system must be reflected in the other. Tempo, however, allows users to easily change worklogs, whether for something as simple as a spelling correction or the modification of a date, or for more involved tasks, such as deleting a worklog.

The blog Integrating Atlassian JIRA using Tempo Plugin explains how worklogs entered in JIRA can be integrated with an external system.

The Tempo services are designed as a Machine-to-Machine communication and are usually not used by normal users. The services provide ALL worklogs regardless of permissions. The services should therefore be used with care and should only be open to a limited number of people/computers. JIRA administrators control access to the Tempo services with IP address filtering

This page explains in details the available functions in Tempo services API and how they can be used in your company.

For more information and examples check out the Tempo Servlets Manual page.

Please comment on that page if something is not clear enough or you have some questions on this subject.