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Resources Configuration

In the Resources section of the Gantt configuration you can configure the way resources are assigned to tasks and the default settings for resources.

Resource configuration screen

This article covers resource assignment and setting default values for resources and tasks. To learn more about managing resources within your Gantt chart, see Resources.

Resource Assignment

You can assign resources to issues using a Jira field (including text, list and user fields) or a Structure attribute.

Here are a few common examples of resource assignments:

  • To use each task's assigned user as its resource, select Assignee.
  • To use teams as resources, create a text custom field called "Teams" and populate it with team names accordingly. Gantt will automatically merge similar values.

Use resource availability data from Tempo

If your team uses Planner by Tempo, this option can give you a more complete view of each assignee's availability, because Planner can consider utilization across all projects, rather than just across the Gantt chart.

Use resource availability from Tempo option selected

Let's take a closer look at how this works: Imagine you've created a Gant chart to plan for Project A, but some of the team members are also working on Project B, and maybe even Project C.

  • By default, the Gantt chart only shows utilization within the scope of the chart - so any work being done outside of Project A won't be accounted for.
  • Using Tempo data, if a team member has planned time on Project B, Project C, or any other project tracked with Planner, that time will be subtracted from their availability in the Gantt chart.

In order to use Tempo data for resource availability, the Jira admin must first connect Structure and Planner.

By default, "None" value is selected.

When no attribute is chosen (or there is no value for that attribute field), a "default" resource is used with default settings. This does not appear in your Resources chart, but it is listed on the Task Details Panel:Default resource identified

Default Resource Settings

In order to correctly allocate resources and place that information within your Gantt and Resource Usage charts, Gantt needs to determine the following parameters for each resource:

  • Units - Defines the "size" of a resource. By default, the value is 1, which corresponds to 1 person. If you use teams as resources, and each team has 5 people able to use all available time to work on tasks, you would enter 5.
  • Time Zone - Defines the default time zone of the resources.
  • Work Calendar - Defines the default working and non-working hours for the resource.

  Default Resource configuration screen

Default values will be used when a resource does not have its own values specified or when no resource is provided. These values can be overwritten for individual resources, through Resource Settings. See Resources for more information.

Max Units

Task settings allow you to configure Maximum Units and Leveling Priority.

Max units configuration screen

Max. Units Attribute

Maximum Units defines the maximum number of resource units that can be allocated for a task. For example, if you set the default Resource Units (above) to 5 and the Maximum Units for a task to 1, that task won't be able to use more than 1/5 of a resource's capacity.

Max. Units Attribute allows you to select where the Maximum Units values are stored. You can choose a Jira field, Structure attribute or the Gantt database. Once selected, the Maximum Units value for each task can be set or updated using the Task Details panel. If a Jira field or Structure attribute is used, you can also update the maximum units for a task directly in your structure, by adding the appropriate column to your view.

Default Max. Units

This default value will be used when a task does not already have a maximum units value set.