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Speed Mode and Power Mode FAQ

What are Speed and Power modes in Structure?

  • Speed mode is a new, quicker, simpler way to create flexible hierarchies (or structures) within Structure by Tempo for Jira Cloud.
  • Power mode is another name for the classic default experience for creating structures before the addition of Speed mode. If you've been using Structure for awhile (on Jira Cloud, DC, or Server), you've been using Power mode - it just never had a name before.

What is the difference between Speed and Power mode?

The main difference between the two modes is the way you build your hierarchies (how you add and organize your issues):

  • In Speed mode, you start with scope (what projects do you work from) and tell Structure what you want to see on every level of your hierarchy (issue types, groupings by field, etc.). 

  • In Power mode, you can build structures by hand or using generators (rules for inserting, grouping, and adding related issues). In Power mode you can also add Jira issues manually as well as Flex items, which you can use to group issues. 

How do I get started using Speed and Power modes?

Structures can be easily set up and maintained by anyone on your team from engineers to program managers and beyond .

Structures are often set-up by those who are already familiar with Structure’s full feature set to create more complex views across multiple Jira projects, programs, and portfolios. 

Setup and Configuration

Get started in just a few clicks and let Structure will do the rest:

The Speed mode wizard walks you through 3 steps:

  • Step 1 - Define your scope - which Jira projects you want included  .

  • Step 2 - Organize your issues at issue and/or group levels.

  • Step 3 - Name your structure.

More control and configuration options:

Build your hierarchies (or structures) manually and/or using generators (automation rules for inserting, grouping, and adding related issues) to create scope and organize issues.


Contains all the features of Structure except for: 

  • Generators (automation rules for inserting, grouping, and adding related issues).

  • Flex Items to group issues, draft future Jira issues, or add notes within your hierarchy.

  • Ability to add existing Jira issues manually to a structure

Maintains ALL features of Structure including Generators and Flex Items.

Is it possible to take a structure made in Speed mode and convert it into a Power mode structure?

Because Speed and Power mode use slightly different logic to create feature sets, it is currently not possible to convert a structure built in one mode to the other.

Is Speed mode going to replace Power mode?

No. Power mode is here to stay. Speed mode is an addition to the Structure product to encourage more people to use Structure with a quicker, easier set up.

I used Structure before these modes were introduced - which mode are my structures in?

Your structures were created in Power mode - it just didn’t have a name until now. If you would like to try out Speed mode, you’ll be given a choice when you create a new structure.