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Sample Formulas - Comments

Show the date, author, and text of the latest comment

comments.UMAX_BY($.created).map(CONCAT( $.author.user_display_name(), " said at ", FORMAT_DATETIME($.created, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), ": ", $.body))

Show the last comment made by a user

comments.FILTER($.author = "admin").UMAX_BY($.created)

In this example, the last comment made by "admin" will be shown. To show comments for another user, replace "admin" accordingly.

Show the date of the latest comment done by a user

comments.filter(x -> = "admin").map(x -> x.created).max()

In this example, the date corresponds to the last comment made by "admin." To show the date for another user, replace "admin" accordingly.

Display "Answered" if there are comments after my latest one