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Installing Structure

Structure is installed like most other apps.

  1. Before installing Structure in production, make sure your Jira meets the Memory Guidelines.
  2. Open Manage Apps, search for "Structure" by Tempo on the Atlassian Marketplace and install from there.

    Alternatively, you can download the plugin JAR manually from the download page and either place it into the plugins/installed-plugins subdirectory under your Jira home (then restart Jira) or use the "Upload app" link in Manage Apps.

  3. Press the Get Started button to finish the installation by installing a license key.

Congratulations! You can now spread the word and help users get started with Structure – see Getting Started with Structure.

If Structure Remains Disabled

It is possible that after you install Structure or enable it from Manage Apps, the app will remain disabled. An error may or may not be shown. If you refresh the Manage Apps page within 5-10 seconds and Structure is still disabled, see Structure Won't Start for possible causes and solutions.