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Query Match Column

The Query Match column allows you to easily identify issues that match a specified text, JQL or S-JQL query. Items that match the query are noted by a check mark; those that do not are left blank.

Query Match column

Adding a Query Match Column

To add a Query Match column to a structure, click the + icon to the right of the column headers. In the Add Column dialogue, search for Query match...

Add a Query Match column

In the Column Configuration panel, select the type of query (text, JQL or S-JQL) and enter your query. The name will update automatically based on your query, but you can also enter a custom name. 

Query Match settings

In our example, the Query match shows us any issues that were created by Admin and are still in the backlog.

Query match can also be used in formulas.

Sum over sub-items

The Query Match column can also return a numeric value of "1" for any issue matching the query, when you select Sum over sub-items. This allows you to aggregate your results up the hierarchy.

Sum over sub-items with Match Query

In this example, Safe Epic 3 has 5 items (including itself) that were created by Admin and are in progress.

Aggregation Options

When Sum over sub-items is selected, you have a couple of options:

  • Exclude duplicates - If an item appears more than once in the structure, it's value will only be included once within the aggregate total.
  • After filtering - When checked, filtered items will not be included in the aggregate total. If this is left unchecked, the values of those items will be included in the calculation, even though they are not visible in the structure.