Progress Based on Status

This article is for Data Center. Visit Cloud

Progress Based on Status

When Issue Progress is based on Status within a Progress column, the progress is determined by the issue's Status field. Custom percentage values can be assigned to each status.

Status Categories

You can also set progress based on status categories (so you don’t have to configure each individual status) - just select Status Category from the Based On dropdown.

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Calculating Progress for Issue Without Sub-Issues

If the issue does not have sub-issues:

  • If the issue's Resolution field is not empty, and Apply Resolution is turned on, the progress is 100%.

  • If the issue's Status is assigned a value (%) in the column configuration, the progress is equal to that value.

  • Otherwise, the progress is undefined. The issue neither shows any progress, nor affects the progress of its parent issue.

Calculating Progress for Issue with Sub-Issues

If the issue does have sub-issues:

  • If the issue's Resolution field is not empty, and Apply Resolution is turned on, the progress is 100% - regardless of the sub-issues' progress.

  • Otherwise, the issue's progress is the weighted average of its sub-issues.

    • If the issue has both its own status and sub-issues with progress, and if Ignore Parent Issue Progress is turned off, the issue's own progress value is counted as if was the progress of another sub-issue.

You can specify how an issue's weight is determined in the column configuration panel.

If some of the statuses do not have any percentage configured, the issue progress is considered undefined.Issues with those statuses will neither show any progress, nor affect the progress of their parent issues.


Progress Based on Status, All Sub-Issues Are Equal

In this example, statuses have the following percentages: Open = 0%, In Progress = 50%, Resolved or Closed = 100%, Reopened = 80%. Apply Resolution is turned on, and Ignore Parent Issue Progress is turned on.







Sub-sub-issue 1.1

This issue is Open, so the progress is 0%.


Sub-sub-issue 1.2

This issue is In Progress, so progress is 50%.


Sub-sub-issue 1.3

This issue is Resolved, so progress is 100%. Also, according to the workflow, it has a non-empty Resolution, which also means it's complete.


Sub-sub-issue 1.4

This issue is Closed, so progress is 100%. Also, according to workflow, it has a non-empty Resolution, which also means it's complete.


Sub-issue 1

The average progress of its sub-issues is (0+50+100+100)/4. The issue's own status is In Progress, but it's percentage is ignored because of the "Ignore parent issue progress in aggregation" option.


Sub-sub-issue 2.1

This issue is Reopened, so progress is 80%.


Sub-sub-issue 2.2

This issue is Open, so progress is 0%.


Sub-issue 2

The average progress of its sub-issues is (80+0)/2 = 40%. But the issue itself has a Resolution and the "Issues with Resolution are 100% done" option is turned on, so this overrides the sub-issues' progress and makes the issue complete.


Top issue

It has two sub-issues: Sub-issue 1 is 63% done and Sub-issue 2 is 100% done. Average progress is (63+100)/2.


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