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Tempo API version 4.0 vs. version 3.0: A comparison

  • You should refer to the Tempo REST API documentation (4.0) to access the complete REST API documentation guide.

  • This Tempo API version 4.0 vs. version 3.0: A comparison topic only lists the differences between the latest Tempo REST API version 4.0 versus the previous version 3.0.

  • Tempo API version 3.0 no longer includes the resource{teamId}/members/{accountId}. To fetch the display name by Jira account ID, use the Jira Cloud platform REST API.

Tempo REST API version 4.0

The Tempo REST API version 4.0 improves performance when compared to version 3.0 by streamlining the process in the backend to deliver faster response time. Certain requests to Jira were removed in order to speed up the API response time.

For example, displayName is no longer part of the Tempo API request in version 4.0 but can be requested in a separate call.

What's New In This Version

What's new in Tempo API version 4.0:

  • Better performance and faster response time.

  • Increase from 1000 records in version 3.0 to a maximum of 5000 records per API call in version 4.0.

  • New endpoints that include skills and account search.

  • Improved existing endpoints by replacing issueKey with issueId and projectKey with projectId.

  • Open API format.

Response Messages v3.0 Versus v4.0

Compare the response messages between version 3.0 and version 4.0. Here are examples.

Response message in version 3.0:

{     "self": "",     "tempoWorklogId": 3920,     "jiraWorklogId": 14020,     "issue": {         "self": "",         "key": "CTP-1",         "id": 10991     },     "timeSpentSeconds": 3600,     "billableSeconds": 3600,     "startDate": "2019-11-27",     "startTime": "16:11:15",     "description": "asdf",     "createdAt": "2019-11-27T16:11:23Z",     "updatedAt": "2019-11-27T16:11:23Z",     "author": {         "self": "",         "accountId": "557058:3322bc29-17c6-493f-b4f5-1945319acf06",         "displayName": "Taylor"     },     "attributes": {         "self": "",         "values": []     } }

Response message in the new version 4.0:

{ "self": "", "tempoWorklogId": 2, "issue": { "id" : 10003, "self": "" }, "timeSpentSeconds": 3600, "billableSeconds": 3600, "startDate": "0000-09-30", "startTime": "23:59:59", "description": "Working on issue SPRIN-4", "createdAt": "2022-04-06T16:11:18Z", "updatedAt": "2022-06-03T15:19:09Z", "author": { "self": "", "accountId": "61d86dbdce3652006ae71936" }, "attributes": { "self": "", "values": [] } }

For information on how to obtain the displayName field, refer to the JIRA REST API documentation here.

New Endpoints for Version 4.0

The new endpoints introduced in version 4.0 are associated with Skills, Skill assignments and Account Resource:

Account Resource API POST /account/search - Search existing accounts Skills API POST /skills/search - Search skills GET /skills/id - Retrieve a skill POST /skills - Create a new Skill PUT /skills/id - Update a skill DELETE /skills/id - Delete a skill Skill Assignments API POST /skill-assignments - Assign a list of skills for a given resource POST /skill-assignments/replace - Replace skills for a given resource GET /skill-assignments/assigneeId/assigneeType - Retrieve a list of skills for a given resource DELETE /skill-assignments/assigneeId/assigneeType - Remove skill for a given resourceSkills API

Changes to Endpoints in Version 4.0

The following changes are made to version 4.0 endpoints: