Logged Time Reports

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Logged Time Reports

You must have Tempo Timesheets installed to access Logged Time reports.

Viewing worklogs for your team members in Tempo Reports requires the View Worklogs and Browse Projects permissions. To see worklogs for other users in a project, you need to have the View All Worklogs permission.

The Logged Time report is designed to give you insight into the amount of time spent on projects, issues, epics, Tempo accounts, and more.

When you create a report, you can apply filters to accurately display what you want to see. You can also group the data to make it more accessible and easier to read.

To create a Logged Time report, follow the steps in Creating Reports , clicking the Logged Time tile.

As a starting point, Logged Time reports allow you to filter worklog data to gain insights into the following:

  • the amount of logged time for your team

  • the amount of logged time for an individual user

  • the number of hours spent on each Jira project (and epic and issue)

  • the number of hours spent on work for a customer in a billable Tempo account

  • the number of billable hours spent on projects

  • the number of hours logged toward a Capex Tempo account, for tax credits

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Create a report filtered by Account Categories to see only the Tempo accounts that are in those categories.

Create any type of Logged Time report.

Create a Logged Time report for hours logged to billable accounts for invoicing customers.

Create a Logged Time report on Billable Hours (not using billable accounts), for invoicing customers.

Create a Logged Time report for hours logged to Capex accounts for applying for tax credits.

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